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Online Waiting List Pre-Application
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you or a member or your household is a disabled person and require a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in MSHDA's affordable housing program(s) or services please contact the Rental Assistance and Homeless Solutions division at (517) 373-9344 or send a request in writing to:
735 E Michigan Ave
PO Box 30044
Lansing, MI 48909

The Michigan State Housing Development Authority does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, marital status, familial status, national origin, age, pregnancy, disability, handicap, ancestry, or sexual orientation in the access to, admission into, or employment in, housing programs or activities.
Please gather the following information for each household member before applying:
- Full legal name
- Social Security number
- Date of birth
- Annual Income from all sources (before taxes or deductions)
- If necessary, contact information for the person who will assist with completing future paperwork
Online pre-applications are accepted at any time while a waiting list is open. After applying, you will receive a confirmation number.
This confirmation number shows your pre-application has been received. Applying does not guarantee placement on a waiting list.
To check your status on the waiting list, please go to Applicant Portal at approximately 24 hours after your application has been submitted.
Maintaining Your Status on the Waiting List
If you are added to the waiting list, you will be notified by mail when your name
comes to the top of the waiting list or if we are updating our files. If you do
not respond to our notifications, or your letter is returned undeliverable,
your name will be removed from the waiting list. If you have a change
of address, phone number, income or family size, you must notify us within 10 business
days of the change. ALL CHANGES MUST BE IN WRITING.
No changes will be taken over the phone. Please include your social
security number on any correspondence.
Program Eligibility
In order to receive assistance:
- The head of household must be at least 18 years of age at the time of this pre-application or an emancipated minor by a court of competent jurisdiction, consistent with Michigan law.
- The household annual income cannot exceed the income limits established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Please see current income limits.
- The applicant and all adult members of the household must pass a criminal background check.
- Applicant and all adult members of the family must pass a criminal background check.
- The applicant or any member of the household may never have been convicted of manufacturing or producing methamphetamine on the premises of any federally-assisted housing or be subject to a lifetime registration requirement under a state sex offender registration program.
- All assistance requires the appropriate submission and verification of documentation of citizenship or eligible immigration status. Documentation will be requested after your name is selected for assistance. If you are a non-citizen claiming eligible immigration status, you will be required to present Form I-551, Form I-94, or Form I-688. If appropriate documentation is not received, assistance will be prorated, denied, or terminated based on a final determination of ineligibility.
MSHDA maintains separate waiting lists for each county in Michigan and uses a preference ranking system to sort and select names from each waiting list.
You may only apply once and your best chance of being selected is to apply for the waiting list in the county in which you live or work.
At the time you are selected from the waiting list, you will be required to provide proof of each preference claimed. Effective January 1, 2019, applications will be ranked in the following order:
- Homeless County of Application Residency (Applicant who is homeless and is living or working in the county of application)
- Disabled County of Application Residency (Applicant who is disabled and is living or working in the county of application)
- County of Application Residency (Applicant who is living or working in the county of application)
- Disabled Michigan Residency (Applicant who is disabled, is not living or working in the county of application, but is living or working in Michigan)
- Michigan Residency (Applicant who is not living or working in the county of application, but is living or working in Michigan)
- Disabled Out of state Residency (Applicant who is disabled but is not living or working in Michigan)
- Out of state Residency (Applicant who is not living or working in Michigan)
If you are not homeless, not a resident of the county you are applying to or not a resident of Michigan, you can apply to be on the list with no-preference. If you apply with no preference, when your name is drawn from the list, in order to receive voucher assistance, you must move to and live in the county of application for a period of 12 months.
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Help Information
If you are experiencing issues with your waiting list application entry, please contact MSHDA by email at or by phone at 517-241-8986 for assistance.